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Happy Valentines Day

Did you know …. According to NPR, Emperor Claudius II of Rome executed two different men named Valentine on February 14 (in two different years) during the third century. One account of St. Valentine says that he was a priest who was arrested for defying a Roman decree that forbade soldiers from marrying


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I’m Michael Krick

Michael D. Krick CSCS offers personalized strength and movement training programs. He helps people with fitness goals struggling with physical pain limitations to get their bodies aligned and moving the right way. 

Benefits Of Good Breathing

Benefits Of Good Breathing

The Benefits Of Breathing   1.Improved Oxygen Delivery: Proper breathing ensures that your muscles receive enough oxygen, enhancing endurance and performance.2.Better Muscle Efficiency: Efficient breathing helps remove carbon dioxide and other waste products from...

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Warming Up

Warming Up

The Importance Of A Warm Up   1.Increases Blood Flow: Warming up increases blood flow to your muscles, ensuring they get more oxygen and nutrients needed for the workout.2.Improves Flexibility: A proper warm-up can improve your range of motion, making your muscles...

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Why you should be hydrating!   1.Improved Physical Performance: Proper hydration helps maintain your energy levels, muscle function, and endurance during exercise.2.Temperature Regulation: Water helps regulate your body temperature, preventing overheating during...

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