Benefits Of Caffeine


Discover the benefits of caffeine with me! Did you know it can enhance your workout performance? Check out my video to learn more!


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I’m Michael Krick

Michael D. Krick CSCS offers personalized strength and movement training programs. He helps people with fitness goals struggling with physical pain limitations to get their bodies aligned and moving the right way. 

Progressive Overload

Progressive Overload

  Progressive overload helps you get stronger by slowly adding more weight or reps, so your muscles don’t get stuck at the same level. If you don’t challenge your body, you’ll stop making progress. It also makes your bones and joints tougher, helping prevent injuries....

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Building A Home Gym

Building A Home Gym

Today’s topic is building a home gym. These are Bowflex adjustable dumbbells, designed for space efficiency and versatility. With their quick adjustment mechanism, they allow for seamless weight changes, making them an excellent choice for maximizing workout...

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Free Weights Vs Cable Machines

Free Weights Vs Cable Machines

  Cable machines vs free weight machines. 1.Stability and Control:•Cable Machines: Provide built-in stability with guided movement, which makes them easier to control. This is great for isolating muscles or beginners learning proper form.•Free Weights: Require...

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