Why you should be hydrating!


1.Improved Physical Performance: Proper hydration helps maintain your energy levels, muscle function, and endurance during exercise.
2.Temperature Regulation: Water helps regulate your body temperature, preventing overheating during physical activities.
3.Joint Lubrication: Staying hydrated keeps your joints lubricated, reducing the risk of injuries and discomfort.
4.Nutrient Transport: Water aids in transporting essential nutrients to your cells, which is vital for overall health and recovery.
5.Mental Clarity: Proper hydration supports cognitive functions, helping you stay focused and alert during both exercise and daily activities.


For More Information Visit: mdkcscs.com

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I’m Michael Krick

Michael D. Krick CSCS offers personalized strength and movement training programs. He helps people with fitness goals struggling with physical pain limitations to get their bodies aligned and moving the right way. 

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