Todays topic is spot fat reduction. Contrary to popular belief, spot fat reduction is a myth in the fitness industry. The key to losing fat effectively lies in a combination of proper diet and exercise. In this video, we’ll discuss how the body stores fat in different areas and why fat loss patterns vary from person to person. We’ll also explore how individuals experience unique challenges when trying to lose weight or build muscle, highlighting the importance of a holistic approach to fitness.


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I’m Michael Krick

Michael D. Krick CSCS offers personalized strength and movement training programs. He helps people with fitness goals struggling with physical pain limitations to get their bodies aligned and moving the right way. 



Today’s topic is walking ! Walking is a super underrated tool with multiple benifits👇 1. Improves Heart Health: Walking regularly strengthens the heart, lowers blood pressure, and reduces the risk of heart disease.2. Boosts Mood: Walking releases endorphins, which...

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Why Lifting Weights Is Good For Your Heart

Why Lifting Weights Is Good For Your Heart

Why lifting weights is good for your heart👇 • Improves blood pressure: Strength training helps lower blood pressure over time by strengthening the heart and improving circulation.• Boosts heart efficiency: Increases the heart’s ability to pump blood effectively,...

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